
The Benefits of Dental Crowns for Oral Health

Posted by Kobi Voshell May 24, 2024

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Dental crowns offer significant benefits for oral health by restoring damaged or decayed teeth' structure, strength, and function. They provide a protective cover, preventing further deterioration and reducing the risk of fractures in weakened teeth. Crowns also help maintain proper alignment and spacing of teeth, which is essential for an effective bite and oral health. Additionally, they enhance the aesthetics of your smile by covering discolored or misshapen teeth, thereby boosting confidence. Dental crowns contribute to long-term dental health by preserving natural teeth and improving their durability and appearance. 

The Procedure of Dental Crowns 

Initial Consultation and Examination: 

The first step in getting a dental crown involves a comprehensive consultation with our dentist in Iowa City, IA. During this visit, our dentist will thoroughly examine your tooth and surrounding tissues using X-rays to assess the extent of the damage or decay. This helps determine if a crown is the most suitable treatment option. If the tooth requires additional procedures like root canal therapy, our dentist will discuss these with you before proceeding with the crown. 

Tooth Preparation 

Once it's determined that a crown is necessary, the next step is preparing the tooth. Our dentist will numb the area around the affected tooth with local anesthesia to ensure you're comfortable throughout the procedure. The tooth is then reshaped by removing a portion of the enamel to create space for the crown. If a significant amount of tooth structure is missing due to decay or damage, a filling material may be used to build up the tooth to provide a solid foundation for the crown. 

Taking Impressions 

After preparing the tooth, our dentist will take impressions of it. These impressions can be made using a traditional putty-like material or digital scanning technology. The impressions are used to create a precise model of your tooth and ensure the crown fits perfectly with your bite. A shade guide also selects the crown's color to match your natural teeth. Sometimes, a temporary crown is placed to protect the prepared tooth while the permanent crown is being made. 

Fabrication of the Crown 

The impressions and specifications are sent to a dental laboratory where skilled technicians create your custom crown. This process typically takes one to two weeks. The crown is crafted from porcelain, ceramic, metal, or a combination, depending on the tooth's location and your specific needs. The lab ensures that the crown matches your natural teeth' shape, size, and color for a seamless appearance. 

Fitting and Cementing the Crown 

Once your permanent crown is ready, you'll return to the dentist for the final fitting. Our dentist will remove the temporary crown and place the permanent one on your tooth, checking the fit and making any necessary adjustments to ensure it aligns perfectly with your bite. Once the fit is confirmed, the crown is cemented using a strong dental adhesive. Our dentist will remove excess cement and polish the crown to give it a natural look and feel. After the procedure, our dentist will provide instructions on caring for your new crown to ensure its longevity and maintain oral health. 

The Uses of Dental Crowns 

  • Dental crowns are commonly used to restore severely decayed or damaged teeth. When a tooth has extensive decay that cannot be effectively treated with a filling, a crown can cover and protect the remaining tooth structure, restoring its function and appearance. 
  • After a root canal treatment, a tooth can become fragile and prone to fracture. A crown is placed over the tooth to provide structural support and protection, ensuring the tooth remains functional and healthy. 
  • When a tooth has a large filling, and not enough natural tooth structure remains, a crown can be used to cover and support the tooth, preventing it from breaking or cracking. 
  • Teeth broken, chipped, or severely worn down due to grinding (bruxism) or other factors can be effectively restored with crowns. The crown restores the tooth's shape, size, and function, allowing for normal chewing and biting. 
  • Dental crowns in Iowa City, IA, can improve the appearance of teeth for cosmetic purposes. They can cover discolored, misshapen, or uneven teeth, providing a more uniform and aesthetically pleasing smile. 
  • Crowns are used to anchor dental bridges, which replace one or more missing teeth. The crowns are placed on the adjacent teeth (abutment teeth) to hold the bridge in place, ensuring stability and proper function. 
  • Crowns are the visible part of dental implant restoration. After the implant post is surgically placed in the jawbone, a crown is attached to the abutment, providing a natural-looking and functional replacement for the missing tooth. 
  • Teeth weakened by decay, large fillings, or fractures can be reinforced with crowns to prevent further damage and improve their strength and durability. 
  • Teeth that have suffered significant enamel erosion due to acidic diets, medical conditions, or other factors can be restored with crowns. The crown covers the eroded tooth, protecting and restoring its normal function and appearance. 
  • In some cases, crowns can be used as part of orthodontic or restorative treatments to adjust the bite and alignment of teeth, improving overall oral function and comfort. 

Dental crowns are essential to modern dentistry, providing versatile solutions for a wide range of dental issues. Visit Willow Creek Family Dentistry at 2346 Mormon Trek Blvd, Suite 2600, Iowa City, IA 52246, or call (319) 339-4456 to determine if a dental crown is the right solution for your specific dental needs.

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